- Members . . . . 13 matches
||attachment:dhpark_new1.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''Donghyun PARK (박동현)''' (PhD, 2024.2)[[br]]Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology (차세대융합기술연구원), 2024.3~[[br]]Ph.D., IAI Lab., 2019.9~2024.2 [[br]]M.S., IAI Lab., Kyung Hee University, 2019.8[[br]]Research Assistant, IAILab., 2017.4~8[[br]]B.S., Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 2017.8[[br]]E-mail - pdh_at_khu.ac.kr[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Diagnosis of Machine Tool Wear Using Real-Time Object Detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning (딥러닝 기반 실시간 객체 탐지 알고리즘을 이용한 설비 마모 진단 연구)[[br]]'''Doctoral Thesis''': Explainable Domain Generalization Techniques for Time Series Classification (시계열 분류를 위한 설명가능한 도메인 일반화 기법)||
||attachment:hspark3.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''[https://cacaotree.github.io/ Hoonseok PARK]''' (PhD, 2022.8)[[br]]https://cacaotree.github.io/ [[br]]Samsung Elec. 2023.1~ [[br]]Ph.D., IAILab., 2022.8[[br]]M.S., IAI Lab., Kyung Hee University, 2018.2[[br]]B.S., Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 2016.2 [[br]]E-mail -hoonseok_at_khu.ac.kr [[br]]'''Doctoral Thesis''': Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Spatiotemporal Data Analysis [[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Frequent Pattern Discovery and Analysis from Multivariate Time Series in Manufacturing (다변량 제조 시계열 데이터의 규칙 발견 및 패턴 분석 연구)||
||attachment:jeee.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''Jeong-Eon AHN''' (MS, 2020)[[br]]Samsung Electronics (삼성전자), 2021.10~[[br]]HDC (현대산업개발), 2020.11~2021.9[[br]]M.S., IAI Lab., 2019.3~2020.8[[br]]Research Assistant at IAILab., 2018.3~2019.2[[br]]B.S., Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University[[br]]E-mail -jeongeon_at_khu.ac.kr[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Development of an Ensemble Scheduler from Optimal Scheduling Solutions Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 최적해로부터의 스케줄링 작업할당규칙 학습기법 개발)||
||attachment:josue_new4.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''[http://josue-obregon.com/ Josué Rodolfo OBREGON VELASQUEZ]''' (PhD, 2020.2)[[br]]http://josue-obregon.com [[br]]Assistant Professor, IE, SeoulTech, 2023.9~[[br]]Research Professor, IAILab., 2023.4~2023.7[[br]]Post-Doctor, IAILab., 2020.3~2023.3 [[br]] Ph.D., IAILab., 2020.2 [[br]]M.S., IAI Lab., Kyung Hee University, 2012.3~2014.2 [[br]]B.S., Science and Systems Engineering, San Carlos University, 2011[[br]]Research Interests - Machine learning explainability, fault detection [[br]]E-mail - jobregon_at_khu.ac.kr [[br]]'''Doctoral Thesis''': Machine learning interpretability of decision tree ensembles for imbalanced classification: Techniques and their visualization[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Discovery of Users-Centric Hierarchical Process Models in Social Networking Services ||
||attachment:11.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''Aekyung KIM''' (PhD, 2018)[[br]]Senior Researcher, Samsung Electronics (삼성전자), 2019.3~ [[br]]Post-Doctor, IAILab., 2018.9~2019.1 / Ph.D., IAILab., 2018.8 / M.S., IAI Lab., 2012.2 [[br]]Research assistant, IAI Lab., 2009.6~2010.8 [[br]]B.S., Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 2010.8 [[br]]Research Interests - Dynamic Process Patterns, Process Mining [[br]]E-mail -akim1007_at_khu.ac.kr[[br]]https://sites.google.com/site/akkim7979/ [[br]]'''Doctoral Thesis''': Ensemble-based Quality Classification and Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Production Scheduling (앙상블 기반 품질 분류 및 심층강화학습 기반 생산 스케줄링)[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': A Process Mining Technique for Performer Recommendation Using Decision Tree (의사결정나무 기반의 프로세스 마이닝을 이용한 업무 담당자 추천 기법)||
##||attachment:win.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''Yeung-Yoon JUNG''' (RA, 2018) [[br]]Hyundae Motors, 2019.7~[[br]]Research Assistant at IAILab., 2016.3~2016.12, 2017.9~2018.4[[br]]Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University[[br]]E-mail - fedbook_at_naver.com||
||attachment:parul2.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''Parul SINGH''' (MS, 2018)[[br]]M.S., IAILab., 2014.9~2018.2[[br]]E-mail - osg_singhs_at_yahoo.com[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Flow Orientation Analysis for Major Activity Regions Based on Smart Card Transit Data||
||attachment:bitzel.jpg?width=120||<width="80%">'''Bitzel CORTEZ''' (MS, 2018)[[br]]M.S., IAILab., 2014.9~2018.2[[br]]E-mail - bitzel30_at_gmail.com[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Recurrent Neural Networks for Emergency Event Assessment||
||attachment:oh.jpg||<width="80%">'''KyuHyup OH''' (PhD, 2017)[[br]]Senior Researcher, KTL (Korea Testing Laboratory, 한국산업기술시험원), 2018.3~[[br]]Post-doc, IAILab., 2017.9~2018.2[[br]]MS-PhD student, IAILab.(7.5), 2010.3~2017.8[[br]]Research Assistant(2007.12~2010.2), BPMLab.[[br]]Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University[[br]]Doctoral Thesis: Techniques and Applications of Classification and Clustering of Big Time-Series Data[[br]]Research Interests - Process Mining, Semantic Web, Web Security, Log Analysis [[br]]Hobby - Linux, Mac [[br]]E-mail - k8383_at_khu.ac.kr[[br]]'''Doctoral Thesis''': Techniques and Applications of Classification and Clustering of Big Time-Series Data (시계열 빅데이터 분류 및 클러스터링 기법과 응용)||
- member_temp . . . . 1 match
||attachment:Members/dhpark_new1.jpg||<width="80%">'''[https:// Donghyun PARK]''' [[br]]Ph.D. student(1), IAI Lab., 2019.9~ [[br]]M.S., IAI Lab., Kyung Hee University, 2019.8[[br]]Research Assistant at IAILab., 2017.4~8[[br]]B.S., Industrial Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 2017.8[[br]]E-mail - pdh@khu.ac.kr[[br]]'''Master Thesis''': Diagnosis of Machine Tool Wear Using Real-Time Object Detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning||
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