BPM Lab.
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Ongoing Research Projects #

  • 생성형 AI 및 스몰데이터 기반 온디바이스 AI 품질 검사 최적화 기술 개발, 2024.7.1~2027.2.28, 주력산업IT융합, 산업부.
  • 자율운항 성능 고도화를 위한 해상환경 학습 데이터셋 구축, 2022.12.16~2024.12.15, 국방벤처혁신기술지원사업, 방사청.
  • AI융합혁신인재양성(경희대학교), 2022.9~2026.8, AI융합혁신인재양성사업, 과기부.
  • AI로봇 인력양성 연구단, 2021.3~2026.2, 산업혁신인재성장지원사업, 산업부.
  • (BK21 Four) 지속가능 빅데이터 신사업 선도인력 교육연구단, 2020.9~2027.8, 4단계 BK21 사업, NRF/교육부.

Past Research Projects #

  • AI를 활용한 하이퍼휴리스틱 기반 디스패칭 규칙 생성, 2023.11~2024.4, CSPI.
  • AI 기반 반도체 디스패칭 탑재 및 AI 해석 규칙 생성 기술 고도화, 2023.4~2023.9, CSPI.
  • AI 기반 반도체 디스패칭 탑재 및 AI 해석 규칙 생성 기술 개발, 2022.10~2023.3, CSPI.
  • Digital Shadow를 위한 설비 고장진단 및 해석 AI 기술 개발, 2022.4~2023.3, LS전선.
  • 실해역 환경 및 경년효과를 고려한 운항성능 정밀평가기술 및 성능개선 적용기술 개발, 2020.4~2023.4, 조선해양산업핵심기술개발사업, KEIT/산업부.
  • 딥러닝을 이용한 반도체 디스패칭 고속화 및 디스패칭 규칙 생성 기술 개발, 2022.4~2022.9, CSPI.
  • AI 기반 지능형 물류 운영시스템 개발, 2021.11~2022.7, SFA.
  • Next-Generation Engineers for Smart Energy, 2017.5 ~ 2022.2, NRF/교육부.
    • sponsored by NRF
    • 2017.5 ~ 2022.2
    • Full title : Center of Fostering Next-Generation Engineering Researchers for the Future Clean SMART Energy Platform
    • Keywords : Prediction of Solar Power Generation, Prediction of Plant Energy Consumption, Fault Detection of Renewable Energy Systems, Deep Learning, Predictive Analytics, Fault Detection and Classification (FDC)
  • Advanced Training Program for Smart Manufacturing Intelligence, 2017.3 ~ 2022.2, MOTIE/산업부.
    • sponsored by MOTIE
    • 2017.3 ~ 2022.2
    • Overview : This program aims to cultivate the experts for smart factory. The master or doctoral students in industrial and management systems engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer engineering can join this program. They will take the course specialized in smart factory and conduct industry-academy research projects. The students can learn operational technology (demand forecasting, production planning and control, production quality analysis, scheduling, inventory and logistics management), manufacturing technology (additive manufacturing, production systems, manufacturing processes, industrial robots, prognostics and health management), and analytics technology (big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, process mining, computer vision, and time-series analysis).
  • 문서 오토라벨링을 위한 딥러닝 모델 개발, 2021.11.14~2022.2, 삼성엔지니어링/BSG.
  • 머신러닝을 이용한 반도체 디스패칭 고속화 및 설명가능 AI 기술 개발, 2021.9~2022.2, CSPI.
  • Cluster형 FAB을 위한 동간 반송시간 고정밀 예측 기술 개발, 2021.4.15~2021.12.31, ㈜삼성전자.
  • 뇌파 데이터를 기반으로 한 인지장애, 우울증 진단 인공지능 고도화 컨설팅, 2021.08.04.~2021.12.15, KTL.
  • 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스(BCI)를 위한 XAI 기반 적응형 학습 기술 개발, 2020.6~2021.5, 글로벌핵심인재양성지원사업, IITP/과기부.
  • 벨라루스 기계제조업의 빅데이터 및 AI 활용 방안, 2021.2~2021.8, KDI.
  • 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스(BCI)를 위한 XAI 기반 적응형 학습 기술 개발, 2020.6~2021.8, IITP/과기부.
  • 다물체 해석을 위한 메타 모델 생성 및 진화 기법 개발, 2020.5~2021.4, ㈜펑션베이.
  • 머신러닝을 이용한 디스패칭 학습 및 해석 모듈 개발, 2020.10~2021.3, ㈜CSPI.
  • 반송시간 예측 기반의 on-time delivery 알고리즘 개발, 2020.5.18~2020.12.31, ㈜삼성전자.
  • Development of a Learning System of Semiconductor Production Scheduling Using Machine Learning, 2020.1~2020.6, CSPI.
  • Automated OLP Generation for Robot Welding Process based on Machine Learning, 2019.6~2020.6, Hyundai NGV.
  • One-class Classification for Diagnostics and Prognostics, 2019.6~2020.5, NRF.
    • sponsored by NRF
    • 2019.6~2020.5
    • Full title : Developing fault diagnostics and prognostics technology based on sensory data using one-class classification techniques
    • Keywords : Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics, One-class Classification, Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning for Semiconductor Production Scheduling, 2019.2~2019.7, CSPI.
  • Development of Meta-Model Generation and Evolution Procedure for MBD Using Machine Learning, 2019.1~2019.12, FBHQ.

  • Deep Learning Architecture for Molecular Dynamics, 2017.4~2019.12, NRF.
    • sponsored by NRF
    • 2017.4~2019.12
    • Keywords : Molecular Dynamics, Deep Learning

  • Program for Climate Change Specialists, 2018.10~2019.09, KECO.

  • Artificial Intelligence Technique for Optimal Guidance of RCP Vehicles, 2018.7~2018.9, SFA.
  • Analysis of Semiconductor Photolithography Process Using Machine Learning, 2018.9~2018.12, THiRA-UTECH.
  • Development of Reverse Engineering Techniques Using CAD Models and 3D Scan Data, 2018.7~2019.2, Hyundai NGV.
  • Development of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Optimizing Vehicle Assignment of OHS, 2018.7~2018.9, AMTS.

  • Smart Factory Applications for Big Data in Manufacturing
    • sponsored by MOTIE, collaborating with KITECH, POSTECH, ECMiner, and JihooSoft
    • 2015.7~2018.6
    • Overview : Smart factory means the advanced manufacturing environment in production and operations by embracing information and communication technologies (ICT) such as the Internet of Things (IoT), the cloud, cyber-physical systems (CPS) and big data analytics. In the smart factory of the future, the convergence of information technology and factory automation pursues the advanced manufacturing in most activities such as demand forecasting, production planning and control, scheduling, inventory and logistics management. We are developing smart factory systems and applications based on big manufacturing data, collaborating with KITECH and ECMiner. For example, several models for production quality analysis, such as classification models, prediction models, factor analysis, and pattern discovery, are being developed and implemented in form of a manufacturing data mining library.
    • Keywords : smart factory, Industry 4.0, manufacturing data analytics, data mining library, IoT

  • Development of Production Scheduling Engines, 2017.10.16~2018.1.15, JihooSoft.
  • Application of AI and Optimization to Semiconductor Production Scheduling, 2017.8~2018.1, CSPI.
  • Research Trend and Future Development Plan for Smart RecurDyn, 2017.7.1~2017.12.31, FunctionBay.

  • Product Design Support Systems Using Cognitive and Emotional Databases
    • sponsored by MOTIE, collaborating with Yonsei University and Soongsil University
    • 2015.12~2018.11
    • Keywords : product design, user experience (UX), semantic web, database design

  • Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Power Plants
    • sponsored by NRF
    • 2016.11-2019.10
    • Full title : Development of Artificial Intelligence and Open Test-bed for Automation of Abnormal Situations in Nuclear Power Plants
    • Overview : The purpose of this research is to judge the proper operating procedure and develop the automatic operation algorithm for nuclear power plants, prove its effectiveness in conjunction with simulation model, and develop the shared platform which can be used for further development and comparison with objective metrics when multiple abnormal situations occur.
    • Keywords : artificial intelligence, autonomous operating, nuclear power plants

  • Analysis and Module Development of Process Visualization for Nuclear Main Control Rooms, 2017.5.17~2017.10.16, KAERI.
  • Performance Analysis and Future Direction of Korea Production System(KPS) R&D Project, 2017.1~2017.4, KPC.
  • Study on Scheduling and Dispatching Techniques for Semiconductor Process, 2016.8~2017.7, CSPI.
  • Development Plan for Smart Manufacturing Industry, 2016.7~2016.12, KPC.
  • Development of Process Mining Tools for Analyzing Main Control Rooms in Nuclear Plants, 2016.2~2016.7, KAERI.
  • Research and Business Development of Distribution/Logistics Support Technology Using Public Big Data in Gyeonggi, 2016.3~2016.6, GSTEP.

  • Reality Mining for Regional Big Data, 2013.6~2016.5, NRF.
    • sponsored by NRF
    • 2013.6~2016.5
    • Full title : Development of Reality Mining Models and Systems from Regional Big Data for Comprehension of Individual and Social Behaviors
    • Overview : In this research, we aim at developing reality mining models to understand individual's life and social mobility behaviors by analyzing regional big data. Traditional approaches of social science intended to interpret macro social behaviors through statistical analysis, while the new approach of data science enables computational social science by analyzing raw big data related to human behaviors and understanding macro social behaviors. In this research, for the purpose of investigating location-based data, we will perform interdisciplinary studies by combining a variety of accessible open data to comprehend social phenomena.
    • Keywords : big data analytics, computational social science, spatio-temporal data analysis, geographical information science
    • Details : MZP
  • 2_seoul_subway.jpg seoul_subway2.jpg seoul_conven3.jpg
    <Raw public transp. data in Seoul> <Discovered movement patterns in Seoul> <Convenience map in Seoul>

  • Decision Mining for Business Processes
    • sponsored by NRF, collaborating with KU Lueven (Belgium)
    • 2013.12~2016.1
    • Overview : Business process and decision modeling is an important aspect in the management of every organization. Real-life business and operational processes can become very complex, so that creating a normative model ensures the desired process execution. A business process can often be regarded as the implementation of business decisions in a way that optimizes a set of business criteria and does not violate a set of process controls. Decisions are typically based upon a number of business rules that describe the premises and possible outcomes of a specific situation. Business decisions are important, but thus currently often remain hidden in process flows, process activities or in the head of employees, so that they need to be discovered using state-of-art data and process mining techniques.
    • Keywords : decision science, business analytics, data mining, process mining, business process management

  • 'Data Mining Project of Controller Development for HKMC VCDM, 2015.2~2015.10, Hyundai Motors Company.
    • members: Aekyung Kim

  • Real-time Process Mining for RFID/USN Data
    • sponsored by NRF (National Research Foundation, 한국연구재단)
    • 2009.5~2015.4
    • Full title : Developing a Real-time Process Mining and Control System Based on RFID Data
    • Overview : This research aims at developing real-time process mining and control systems for RFID and USN data. Process mining is a research area of discovering knowledge from process log, and it includes extracting process models from log data of information systems, predicting process performance, and analyzing social network in organizational model. In this research, RFID/USN data is exploited for such process mining techniques, instead of log data in enterprise information systems. RFID/USN data can provide rich, but huge real-time event of physical objects such as humans, products, and locations.
    • Keywords : process mining, ubiquitous computing, social media analysis
    • [http]edUFlow (Event-driven Ubiquitous Flow)

  • u-Food: Real-time Food Quality Monitoring in Cold Chain Logistics
    • sponsored by KFRI (Korea Food Research Institute, 한국식품연구원)
    • 2011.1~2014.11
    • Overview : Product tracking and tracing technologies based on RFID are introduced progressively in logistics environment. In particular, cool food like vegetables, meat and dairy products are sensitive to environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and light. In this u-Food project, we design and implement a real-time food quality monitoring system for cold chain logistics using RFID temperature loggers, as well as RFID and wireless sensor networks. We can not only track and trace foods, but also gather and analyze temperature and humidity which can affect the quality of the foods. It is expected that customers can be provided with accurate historic distribution data and predicted food quality information through the food quality monitoring system.
    • Keywords : logistics process, cold chain logistics, RFID/sensor, ubiquitous food systems
      [http]uFood Quality Monitoring System
      [http]uFood Quality Monitoring System(new)

  • HKMC VCDM 2단계 요건정의 프로젝트, 2013.7~2013.10, 현대자동차.
    • members: Jinsung Lee, Aekyung Kim

  • i-Manufacturing: Process Innovation for Manufacturing Collaboration, 2010.3~2013.8 (funded by MKE:식경제부).
    • members: Kyuri Kim, Aekyung Kim
    • sponsored by MKE (Knowledge Economy, 지식경제부)
    • 2010.3~2013.8
    • Overview : Collaborative companies in supply chain network (e.g. automobile and ship manufacturing networks) require seamless process integration and process innovation of their business collaboration. This project focuses on the design of manufacturing collaboration process and the performance measurement of whole collaborative processes. In particular, our team conducts the studies on process intelligence for manufacturing collaboration by using data mining and process mining techniques.
    • Keywords : supply chain process, performance measurement, data warehouse, data mining
    • i-Manufacturing

  • s-Scape: The Innovative Service Laboratory for Service Testing, 2010.4~2015.3 (funded by MKE:식경제부).
    • members: Jinsung Lee, Kyuhyup Oh)
    • sponsored by MKE (Knowledge Economy, 지식경제부)
    • 2010.4~2013.5
    • Overview : The importance of service industries is growing as the portion of the service sector increases fast in the recent decade. While products are generally tested with their prototypes in the stage of the new product development, services cannot be tested because of their well-known characteristics of services: IHIP (Intangibility, Heterogeneity, Inseparability, and Perishability). The proposed service laboratory, named s-Scape, is going to be implemented to enable testing the new services just as new products. The role of our team is to develop a service process modeling methodology including the BPML-like service prototype diagram (SPD) and the executable process prototype description language (SPDL).
    • Keywords : service process, service science, service laboratory, virtual reality
    • Papers :
      [https]"Service Modeling for Service Testing Laboratory", In Proc. of CIE 2011
      [http]"Service Prototyping for Service Testing in Virtual Reality", IJIEE 3(3), May 2013

  • Game Theory for Wireless Communications, 2008.3~2011.2 (funded by MKE:식경제부).
    (members: Kwangsup Shin, Changrae Lee)
    Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that is used in economics, biology, engineering, political science, computer science, and philosophy. In this project, the game theoretic approach is conducted to solve problems in wireless communications, such as resource allocation, power control, overlay network, pricing, etc. The current topics of our team are bargaining and auction games for discriminated multimedia services.

  • SGP 플랫폼을 위한 서비스 조합 아키텍처 컨설팅, 2010.9~2010.11, LG CNS.

  • Collaborative Process Modeling and Analysis in Supply Chain, 2009.3~2010.2 (funded by KITECH:국생산기술연구원).
    • members: Jiwhan Jung, Aekyung Kim
      Collaborative companies in supply chain, such as automobile and ship manufacturing networks, require seamless integration of their business processes. The project proposes the design of collaborative manufacturing processes and the performance measurement of overall collaborative processes.

  • Device Ontology for Ubiquitous Web Applications, 2009.4~2009.11, (funded by ETRI:국전자통신연구원).
    The next Web, called Web 4.0, pursues intelligent Web-based communication among communication devices, which W3C named Ubiquitous Web Applications (UWA). The concept is often considered as a rendezvous of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web. The subject of this project, Device Ontology, can be a core technology of realizing the intelligent coordination of Web-based communicating devices.

  • Abuse Detection in Online Games, 2008.12 ~ 2009.11, (funded by SMBA:소기업청).
    Online games maintain their own economic systems in virtual society. Some malicious users however cheat game rules by utilizing programming bugs. For example, copying game items and points or pretending payments of items may break virtual economics and urge users to get out of the game. Real-time monotoring and event processing techniques help to detect their abusing and keep the game users' interests.

  • KT NeOSS SLA 최적화 컨설팅, 2009.6~2009.8, KT Data Systems.

  • Ubiquitous BPM with RFID/USN, 2008.7~2009.6, (funded by KRF:국연구재단).
    • members: Kyuhyup Oh, Kyuri Kim)
      Ubiquitous computing environments are becoming more complicated as so many computing devices communicate with each other for advanced service interaction. Ubiquitous BPM aims to provide robust workplace and user-friendly ubiquitous life by integrating RFID/USN technologies to the business activities.

  • 유비쿼터스 환경에서 디바이스 코디네이션 기술 연구, 2008.5~2008.11 (funded by ETRI:국전자통신연구원).

  • KT NeOSS BPM 기능고도화 컨설팅, 2007.11~2008.3 (funded by KT).

  • 유비쿼터스 서비스 코디네이션의 방법론 개발 및 분석에 관한 연구, 2007.9~2008.8 (funded by KHU:희대학교).

Patents Granted #

  • Korean Patent, 2024.01.15, Patent No.10-2024-0006292, "Scheduling Engine Emulation System based on Multi-level Machine Learning and Method thereof (다단계 머신러닝 기반 스케줄링 엔진 에뮬레이션 시스템 및 그 방법)"
  • Korean Patent, 2013.09.09, Patent No.10-1308620, "Product Quality Monitoring System"
  • Korean Patent, 2013.01.18, Patent No.10-1226105, "Sensor Tag and System for Quality Index Monitoring of Product Used Sensor Tag"
  • Korean Patent, 2011.01.28, Patent No.10-1013283, "Method of Managing Radio Resource in Wireless Network"
  • Korean Patent, 2005.04.07, Patent No.10-0483630, "System and Method for Creating Personalized Template for Monitoring Workflows"

Research Tools #

  • Business Analytics
    • Process Mining : ProM, Disco, CPN Tools
    • Data Mining : Weka, RapidMiner, SAS E-miner, XLMiner
    • Statistics : R
  • System Implementation
    • Database : MySQL, MS SQL Server, ERWin
    • Java library : Eclipse (IDE), JESS 7.1 (rule engine), ESPER 2.3 (CEP engine), Weka 3.0 (data mining)
    • XML and Web service : Altova XMLSpy 2008 Ent., GlassFish 2.1, JWSDP 2.0
    • Semantic Web : Protégé 4.0
  • Internet of Things
    • RFID packages : Alien 9800 Dev Kit, AeroScout RTLS (Real-Time Location System), HBE-RFID-Handheld
    • USN packages : Ubee430-AP-Kit
    • RFID middleware : CUHK RFID Middleware, WisiRFID

Research Guide #

  • Journal Title Abbreviation - CalTech Library [http]link
  • APA Style [https]link

Research Survey Sites (KHU account needed) #

  • IEEE Xplore [http]link
  • Elseviewer ScienceDirect [http]link
  • Taylor & Francis Online [http]link
  • Wiley Online Library [http]link
  • Springer Online [https]link
  • Google Scholar [http]link
  • DBLP [http]link
  • InCite JCR [https]link
  • More - KHU Library [http]link

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